Privacy Policies

Post Scriptum Holding SA

Avenue de la Belle Alliance 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium  

Register No. BE0748.451.406  

Brand: Waterlemon  

Brand Register No. 1494995  

The brand Waterlemon, under the company Post Scriptum Holding SA (collectively "Company", "we", "us", "our"),  is committed to safeguarding the personal data it processes in connection with its business in accordance with fair information practices and applicable data protection legislation. 

1. Scope

This notice (“Privacy Notice”) explains how the Company, in its capacity as data controller, treats the personal data of its business contacts as well as service providers, agents, consultants, and website visitors (“you”, “your”), in the framework of its activities.

2. How We Collect Personal Data

We collect your personal data:

- At the occasion of business events, meetings, networking events, or similar occurrences, regardless of whether they occur in our offices or at an external location, including, as the case may be, through CCTV or other access systems;

- While conducting public searches on professional or social-media databases;

- When it is publicly disclosed;

- When you visit our website.

We collect personal data, either directly from you or from third parties, including public databases or social media platforms.

3. Type of Personal Data We Collect

In the normal course of our activities, we collect the following types of personal data:

- Contact information, such as your name, home and professional address, email address, date of birth, gender, phone number, and images taken by CCTV or access systems;

- Due diligence information in connection with an actual or prospective corporate transaction or investment, including information about your employer, your own company, your business, and your contacts;

- Relationship information that helps us do business with you and contact preferences;

- Compliance and risk management information, such as information for fraud prevention;

- Upon visiting our website: IP address, information about your operating system, internet server provider and software, the pages accessed within our Website, the link that led to our Website, geolocation information, etc.

4. Use of Your Personal Data

We collect your personal data for the purpose of current or future business relationships with you and more precisely for the purposes specified below:

- Fulfilling our legal obligations;

- Managing your ongoing relationship with us, including communicating with you;

- Providing and improving our business operations;

- Legal defense and compliance, including compliance with government authority requests for information, liens, garnishments, and tax compliance;

- Internal reporting and auditing; and

- Protection of the Company, its workforce, and the public against injury, theft, legal liability, fraud, abuse, or threat to the security of our networks, communications, systems, facilities, and infrastructure and for other legitimate interests.

We use the following legal bases for the processing of your personal data:

- Compliance with the legal obligations to which we are subject;

- The need to process your personal data for contract performance or to take steps to enter into a contract with you;

- Where the processing is necessary for our legitimate business interests;

- Your consent, in some specific circumstances, such as conducting direct marketing.

5. Disclosures and Categories of Recipients

For the stated purposes, your personal data may be disclosed to, or received from, the following parties:

- Other Company entities, joint ventures, investee companies, subcontractors, vendors or suppliers who perform services on our behalf;

- A newly formed or acquiring organization if the Company is involved in a merger, sale, or a transfer of some or all of its business;

- Certain service providers as necessary or useful to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, such as data hosting providers;

- Any recipient, if we are legally required to do so, such as by court order, applicable laws, or regulatory requirements; or

- Any recipient when reasonably necessary such as in the event of a life-threatening emergency.

6. International Transfers 

We may transfer your personal data to countries that have not been found by the European Commission to provide adequate protection. Where such transfers occur, we will ensure that adequate protection exists either through appropriate contractual arrangements or as required by law.

7. Information Security  

We treat your personal data through automated and/or paper-based data processing systems and, as the case may be, CCTV. We have taken appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the information systems on which your personal data is stored, and we contractually require our suppliers and service providers to protect your personal data.

8. Your Personal Data Rights  

In accordance with and subject to fulfilling the requirements under the applicable data protection legislation, you have the following rights:

- Access the personal information we hold about you.

- Request the correction of inaccurate information.

- Request the deletion of your information where applicable.

- Withdraw your consent for data processing where you have previously given consent.

9. Changes to This Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We will notify you of any significant changes and post the updated policy on our website.

10. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at:
